2012 has come to a close and my journey from Geek to author didn't progress as far as I had planned and it's all my fault. I lost focus, tripped up, discouraged, fell out my schedule, over analyzed, second guessed myself, and so on. Now with the new year the mandatory declaration of things to change. Except stating you are going to change something does not mean that it will happen. You need to detail out how you are going to make that change happen. That's in my hands. Getting what I have written over the past year polished and posted for review is up to me. Planning out a schedule that I can stick to and stick to it is up to me.
You see it's all up to me. All the motivational books, study habits I read about, people's feedback only is valuable if they are put into some sort of practice by the artist. That's the challenge of it. You may be the best story teller that has ever lived but unless you are putting words together and creating, no one will ever know... and nothing will magically write itself.
Time to turn the page.
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