Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm still here...

Still here. Still writing. However a newborn and 5 year old in the home with an exploding career workload makes the writing very, very difficult. It pains me to say that especially when I focused and completed the 50,000 word National Novel Writing Month challenge in November. But that was pre-birth.

I am working on getting my stuff over on Wattpad. I feel that of all the writing sites that one seems to be the most promising and productive when it comes to feedback from readers. I put a bunch of stories out there but pulled them all off after I studied the art of story editing and realized that things could use more work.

I am beginning to see that I am not a very good writer but a great planner and editor. Writing is just filler.

1,000 words a day is the goal and if I focus and I know exactly what I want to paint with words I can get 1,000 words out in about an hour. If I only have 30 minutes, 500 words. Etc... You don't need to get the 1,000 words in one sitting.

As a computer programmer of very large, complex systems writing a few good lines of code a day, in the bank of tens of thousands, can go down as a very productive day. Writing is no different.

I see this now.

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