Monday, June 28, 2021

It's Amazing How Life Gets In The Way

Writing has been a hobby at best. I want to turn it into something more, make some money, have fun and finally share it to the masses. I cant believe it's been 5 years since the last time I touched this blog. I never deleted it, as a geek I never delete anything, so I resurrect this from the dead

What has been happening over the last 5 years. Life. Life happened. Lots of it. Some good, some challenging, priorities shifted, careers expanded, and writing was pushed back. 

Years bring experience, experience develops wisdom. The last 5 years have taught me to not give a shit anymore. No more worries or self-confidence issues if I am 'good enough'. Screw that. I have seen time and time again of creators and writers becoming successful for doing nothing more than being out there. 

Repetition, in your face, consistency and their products benefit. Good or bad, production produces success. 

Now that I have gotten back into a lifestyle that I can create once again, I am going to do just that. 

Geek to Author isn't just a name, it's a goal. I haven't achieved that yet. 

So I am back. I am writing. In fact I bought a fresh new, slick laptop replacing one I have been using for 5+ years. I upgraded to Scrivener 3 and am loving it. I have pulled out my hand written writing journal and began moving my notes into Evernote. I pulled out every story I have written over the years and will be working on my first project to create a short story ebook. I have enough content, I just need to go and update, revise and polish. The dreaded steps of writing, revisions. 

I am outlining and prepping to attempt to write a book and will participate in NaNoWriMo this year to kick start that. 

Write every day, not just in my journal, but creatively. Writing prompts, idea lists, create a character drafts, anything to continue to exercise the creative muscles of the brain. 

Geek to Author. 

Let's see if I can do it. 

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