Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I Wrote Today - 5/2/12

Today I worked on a short story called Temporal Enforcers. Added about 500 words and I am up to 2,600 and have maybe 1,000 to 1,500 left to go. The story is about two scientists, one is a 70 year old physicist from WWII Germany and a young genius who is an expert in quantum computing. Together they build a time machine to change the world. They find out what it means to be time travelers.

I have a few other shorts sketched up that I will get out before I start on my big project I am calling Perspectives. I will write about this idea coming up but I think it's a very unique idea on how to tell a story and do it in a way that actually embraces the types of readers we have now. The E-Bookers, as I call them, are a different breed of readers. People who have e-books are not your typical big novel consumers, I may be wrong, but the people I know that have e-books, myself included, got one for their convenience of carrying around a mini-library and for on the go mobility. Perspectives will tailor to that yet give a large novel level story.

I hope to get Temporal Enforcers completed this week, I should have been able to crank it out in a few hours but I am still fighting my over analytical IT mind and fending off the need for absolute perfection. Get it out first, edit later, then let it go. Over time and the more I write I hope that this will get better.

As part of this journey I am going to start focusing more on a daily scribble in my thought notebook. Again, my thought notebook has been not used to the dumping ground as it should be. I think too hard on what should be in and what should not be. Not any more, anything and everything needs to get in there from a creative spark that fires. Who knows if a short description of a woman walking across a parking lot going to work spawns a scene in a horror story or as a lead into a love story. No idea is a bad one as long as it's recorded. If it's not written down then an idea never existed.

Time to turn the page...

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