Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NaNoWriMo - Day 20

Whew, what a day.

Did I mention I have an 8 month pregnant wife carrying our second child. Yeah, no pressure on top of taking on the NaNoWriMo Challenge. However, it will just add to the story when I complete it. I find the time because it's important and the more I do it the more I live it.

My novel is taking on a life of its own. Originally set to have a series of novellas, it's turning into a multi-plot singular story. I can't let my characters go. I wrote a section/novella titled Family Valued. It was a pure survival, all action of a family of 4 scrambling to evacuate the horror that is the Emerald Event. The kids are 4 and 2. Which adds to the drama and helplessness to it. Things that you should be able to do are very limited with those babies. How do you get around that? How do they decide? And so on.

The more I think about them I want to go back to them. Then as I am writing another section titled Business Class is was supposed to be a few sections, novella but I am over 20,000 words on that one alone. Now I am evolving the original idea to cross the two plots and I have a clever way to do it. One story, young helpless family, the other a jumbo jet filled with 300 people. Although not all 300 may make it to them... or maybe they will I need to iron out the details.

But as I expand and grow I can see my easily blowing by 100,000 words in this novel and I haven't even worked on the antagonist yet. I have more free time tomorrow to get another couple thousand done then it's the sprint to the end.

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Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
At This Rate You Will Finish On
November 30, 2013
Words Per Day To Finish On Time

Time to turn the page.

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